This Is Hydranet

Core DEX

The first version of Hydranet’s product

The Hydranet Core DEX was the first version of Hydranet’s unique solution. It was a downloadable desktop client that ran on Windows and Linux machines. It featured a multi-currency light wallet, an order book exchange, and a simple swap interface for automated trading. Similarly to Hydranet’s flagship product, the browser-enabled Hydranet Wallet, the Hydranet Core DEX was an off-chain trading solution, combining state channel protocols to facilitate fast, cheap, and trustless cross-chain trading.

The Hydranet Core DEX used the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and the Connext Vector Network for EVM assets to facilitate off-chain trading, supported by an infrastructure composed of a Hub to which all Core DEX clients connected. The Hub ran the exchange’s order book engine and acted as a matchmaker between trading Core DEX clients. It also ran a channel rental manager, offering inbound liquidity for trading Core DEX clients.

The Hydranet Core DEX was not browser compatible and could not be accessed via the web, nor did the Connext Vector Network support multi-hop transactions, posing problems to realize a decentralized network. Recognizing these shortcomings was the catalyst for the development of the browser-enabled Hydranet Wallet. Nevertheless, the Hydranet Core DEX was the proof that Hydranet’s unique off-chain trading solution was functional and delivered on its advantages.

The Hydranet Core DEX was shut down on July 31st, 2024, in preparation for the Hydranet Web3 Wallet. Stay tuned for the latest news on the Hydranet Web3 Wallet development.

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