There are multiple reasons to use the Hydranet DEX. Today, cryptocurrency traders typically face a dilemma with security, privacy, and ease of use. To stay safe, traders can keep their funds in their self-custodial wallets but are then faced with a slow, unintuitive, and potentially expensive trading experience. The limited scalability of common blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, is usually the underlying reason for these issues. Traders can turn to Centralized Exchanges (CEX) for a more seamless and cheaper trading experience, but at the expense of giving up custody of their funds. Major controversies happen and will continue to happen within the cryptocurrency industry. Keeping control of your funds is one way to protect yourself! The phrase “not your keys, not your coins” cannot be stressed enough!

The Hydranet DEX solves the “trader’s dilemma” presented above. The Hydranet DEX offers an orderbook on which traders can place limit and market orders, and a built-in wallet in which they can safely store their funds and be in complete control of their private keys. All trades made on the orderbook are executed off-chain using well-known and established Layer 2 off-chain solutions. This makes them virtually instant, feeless, and untraceable. The Hydranet DEX infrastructure furthermore combines different Layer 2 off-chain solutions to allow trades of fundamentally different cryptocurrencies, such as BTC and ETH. This makes the Hydranet DEX the world’s first true Layer 3 DEX. In short, the Hydranet DEX offers a trading experience as seamless and cheap as a CEX, and as private and secure as a DEX, trading nothing but native funds!